
Lewes Lawn Care

East Cobb Lawn Care ServiceYour Lawn Care Provider – Craig Krick

Why did you start Clean Air Lawn Care?

It started out because of my own usage of battery machines. I started using a battery powered trimmer and blower on my yard a few years ago to save on the hassles of starting gas-powered machines. What started as convenience grew into seeing how much I could save on gas and oil. I also noticed how much quieter, cleaner and lighter the machines were. No noise, smoke fumes, leaky oil or gas overspill. I didn’t have to store gas or run to the gas station to finish the yard. I would always see other lawn companies in our neighborhood and think about how loud they were and how dirty their machines were form the gas and grease.

The second part of the equation

I needed to do something new and self-fulfilling. I have been in the restaurant and hospitality business for over 30 years. As the grind of this business started taking its toll; weekends, holidays, nights, covid restrictions; I started to wonder if I could do something to make a difference. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit inside of me but never found the right fit or had the courage to make it happen.

One day when I was cutting my lawn it came to me. I could create a completely battery powered, sustainable lawn company. As I researched this idea, I came across Clean Air Lawn Care. I knew that gas powered small engines were pollutants but, they really opened my eyes to just how bad they are. When I saw how they had mastered the solar charging process and the mechanics of a sustainable battery-operated lawn care business, I knew that was my fit. What a better win, win situation of being my own boss and giving back to the community I live in with clean air and less noise pollution. Clean Air Lawn Care has a great plan to help the environment while providing a great service for the community. To provide Millsboro lawn care services that are healthy, all the way up the coast to Lewes and Milford, excite me.

What sustainable habits do you have?

My family does our best to always recycle and reuse when possible. Re-usable water bottles are a must since we are always doing active things. Both of my boys have been in the Scouts and learned about leaving no trace behind when in nature. This is important to us since we take advantage of all the hiking areas near us. We also use the beach a lot and make sure we take away anything we bring in to these areas.

Why do you think sustainable and organic lawn care important?

The thing I am most excited about with Clean Air Lawn Care Lewes is the organic grass treatments. We had a lawn service at our house that used standard chemical lawn spray. I was always a little put off by the fact that when they were done the tiny sign they left would say, “keep pets and children off grass for 24 hours”. Kids run and play in the grass. Dogs roll in, and yes, eat the grass. I didn’t want them to have to wait to go out and play or worse get sick. The organic spray gets rid of all those worries. I also like the fact that battery powered machines save on gas and oil usage. The machines are so quiet they don’t disturb the neighborhood. The grass can be cut at almost any time and it won’t bother anyone.

What is great about your community?

My community is fantastic. I don’t think I could live anywhere else. Living here for over thirty-five years, I have seen this area grow from a sleepy little summer time beach town into a thriving year-round community. Even though this area has opened its doors to many new residents over the years it still has a small town feel for everyone. I can still walk into any restaurant or retail shop and have a great chance of seeing someone I know.

This community is very hospitality driven so even if you don’t know them, they will make you feel like you do. The people that live here are very active and outdoorsy. Being a beach community there is a strong environmentally conscious mindset. There is a vibrant gym community here that helps to keep everyone active and healthy. We have our share of motivational gurus, yoga specialists, personal trainers, culinary experts, outdoor activists, mixologists and hospitality members that spread health, wellness, happiness and positive energy throughout our community. Of course I cant forget the fact that we live right next to the ocean with miles of great beaches to explore.

What else would you like to share?

I plan to use my thirty years of guest driven hospitality to make Clean Air Lawn Care Millsboro to Milford the friendliest and most environmentally sensitive lawn care service in the area.  I will strive to meet all customers needs and leave them with a positive and happy experience. In opening Clean Air Lawn Care, I also discovered that tick and mosquito control can be done naturally and effective, too! Check out the mosquito control page, here.

Get Your Free Estimate For Clean, Quiet & Safe Lawn Care Service!

Our Millsboro lawn care services are all organic, pet safe and effective. We use all solar-powered electric equipment to maintain the lawn, too. Reach out if you would like to learn more as we service all of coastal Delaware! Call us at (302) 313-1902!